Publications scientifiques en agronomie
Written on April 25, 2023

Publications scientifiques en agronomie

6 publications en agronomie, en Anglais


  • ISHS: XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Advances in Berry crops: sera publiée prochainement

The ‘LIGHT CASCADE®’ sunlight photoconversion greenhouse films increase berries production and provide a better resistance towards biotic and abiotic stresses in Mediterranean countries

Mots Clés: sunlight spectrum, light shifting dyes, greenhouse foils, raspberry, strawberry


  • ISHS: XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Innovative technologies and production strategies for sustainable controlled environment horticulture: sera publiée prochainement

The innovative ‘LIGHT CASCADE®’ sunlight photoconversion greenhouse films enhance horticultural crops production in Europe

Mots Clés: sunlight spectrum, light shifting dyes, plastic foils, vegetables, berries, plant pathogens


Use of augmented natural ventilation and ‘double roof’ with photoconversion  films to improve crop photosynthesis inside greenhouses

Mots Clés: whitewashing, airflow, photoconversion film, tomato, pepper


Effects of blue LIGHT CASCADE® films on tomato under controlled environmental conditions 

Mots Clés:: Greenhouse, sunlight, blue light, plant growth, Lycopersicon esculentum



  • AgEng2021: July 4–8, 2021, Évora, Portugal

Effect of photoconversion greenhouse films used as ‘double covers’ on tomato crop in Almeria (Spain)

Mots Clés: Protected crops, optically active dyes, photoconversion film, tomato fruits quality, marketable yield.

La version complète est disponible sur Researchgate - Cites (APA): Martínez, A. (2021). Effect of Photoconversion Greenhouse Films Used as ‘Double Covers’ on Tomato Crop in Almeria (Spain). Agricultural Engineering AgEng2021, 754.


Effect of photoconversion films used as greenhouse double roof on the development of cucumber fungal diseases in Spain

Mots Clés: Sunlight photoconversion film, protected crop, internal impermeable screens, ventilation, fungal infection

La version complète est disponible sur Researchgate - Cites (APA): Moreno-Teruel, M. A., & Valera, D. L. (2021). Effect of Photoconversion Films Used as Greenhouse Double Roof on the Development of Cucumber Fungal Diseases in Spain. Agricultural Engineering AgEng2021, 831.



  • ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1296: International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses: GreenSys2019

Melon and potato crops productivity under a new generation of optically active greenhouse films

Mots Clés: Light spectrum, optical active dyes, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), vegetable, photoconversion greenhouse covers

La version originale est disponible sur le site internet de l'ISHS: Lemarié, S., Guérin, V., Jouault, A., Proost, K., Cordier, S., Guignard, G., Demotes-Mainard, S., Bertheloot, J., Sakr, S. and Peilleron, F. (2020). Melon and potato crops productivity under a new generation of optically active greenhouse films. Acta Hortic. 1296, 517-526
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.67



  • ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1252: XXI International Congress on Plastics in Agriculture: Agriculture, Plastics and Environment

Innovative Optical Technology for Improved Agriculture Production
Impact of Innovative Optically Active Greenhouse Films on Melon, Watermelon, Raspberry and Potato Crops

Mots Clés: Light spectrum, optical active dyes, photosynthesis, vegetable, yield, fruit quality

La version originale est disponible sur le site internet de l'ISHS: Lemarié, S., Guérin, V., Sakr, S., Jouault, A., Caradeuc, M., Cordier, S., Guignard, G., Gardet, R., Bertheloot, J., Demotes-Mainard, S., Proost, K. and Peilleron, F. (2019). Impact of innovative optically active greenhouse films on melon, watermelon, raspberry and potato crops. Acta Hortic. 1252, 191-200
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1252.25